Bloody Lane – A General d’Armee battle

It's been a while since we had a game, so we decided to take advantage of a school holiday and try our hand at another General d'Armee battle. We disturbed the third member of our little project on his honeymoon, and had him author secret objectives for each side. Welcoming the chance to try out... Continue Reading →

A return to the hobby, a new project and Citadel Contrast paints

After a long break, I return to historicals, and I have exciting news. We've finally decided on a common project which we're all chipping in for. We bought £200 worth of miniatures from Newline Designs, and are portioning out the individual brigades among each other. We try to have bi weekly meetings, set a painting... Continue Reading →

Progress so far

My Napoleonic painting spree started a couple of years ago, but general painting fatigue, and a baby, got in the way a bit. Since then I got a second wind in late spring, and when the going gets a bit tough, it can be nice to get an overview of what you've actually accomplished. It... Continue Reading →

French reinforcements

The Frenchies have started to arrive! My gaming buddy has a small French force, but I felt like adding to it. Both so I would have a larger force to fight against, but also to get the core of a French force of my own, in case I wanted to play without him. Or we... Continue Reading →

Black Powder battle

To get this blog kicked off, I wanted to share some older pictures. These are from a Black Powder battle we played almost exactly two years ago. These forces are more or less still the same we use today. I got a baby in the meantime, and my regular opponent has joined the army officer... Continue Reading →

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